Rental Rates

Equipment rental services are open to students, faculty, staff, and community members. Our outdoor equipment rentals make it easier to explore the outdoors without having to commit to the cost of buying all the gear necessary. Available equipment includes camping equipment, canoes, mountain bikes, lawn games and more.
To reserve a rental reservation, call the Venture Out Center at 540-231-4982.
To view the hours of the Venture Out Center, visit our hours page.

- I agree that the equipment being checked out to me is in good condition, and I will be financially responsible for any loss or damage while it is in my possession. I agree to inspect the equipment listed before accepting it and assume full responsibility for evaluating its fitness for my use/purpose. I have until 8:00 PM on the date that the item was rented to inspect equipment; if I do not find the equipment satisfactory due to missing components or damages, I have the right to have the equipment exchanged for another piece of the same equipment. Equipment refund will not be given.
- I agree that if the equipment is lost or destroyed while in my possession, I will pay the replacement price value and no depreciated value. I agree to pay all clearing and/or damage fines. Furthermore, I agree to pay any and all late fines for equipment not returned within the designated check-out period on my rental agreement. Late fines are charged daily at the one-day rental rate. Failure to pay charges will result in billing from Virginia Tech and subsequent holds placed on my account and/or payroll reduction if applicable, if payment is still neglected.
- I agree to release the Venture Out Rental Center, Virginia Tech, The Recreational Sports Department, and its agents and employees from any and all liability for damages and personal injury to myself or any person or property, whether in contract or in tort, resulting from negligence in selection, adjustment, instruction of use, and/or any maintenance of this equipment, accepting myself of the full responsibility for any and all damages or injury of any kind which may result.
- I agree to abide by all of the applicable rules and regulations of the activity, as well as understand and obey laws established by the City, County, and State wherein the activity is taking place.
- In consideration of these agreements, I agree to release Owner from any and all claims and/or damages that may result from this rental agreement and use the rental equipment including but not limited to any and all claims for personal injury and/or property damage. I further agree to hold Owner harmless and indemnify Owner for and against all loss and damages arising from the use, misuse, or abuse of said equipment. This release agreement shall apply to the Owner and all its agents or employees.