Intramurals FAQ

What are intramural sports?
Intramural sports are played on campus among VT students, faculty, and staff. Intramural sports provide exercise, recreation, competition, and fun to participants in a relaxed, yet structured environment. Intramurals offer the thrill of competition while placing an emphasis on fairness and sportsmanship for teams and individuals.
Why should I play intramurals?
Intramural sports are a great way to play a sport you love or to try something new – no experience is necessary! All you have to do is purchase an intramural membership for $25 and you can participate in any activity, all year long. We offer team sports and pick'em contests.
Who can play?
Any student or employee currently affiliated with Virginia Tech is eligible to purchase an intramural membership. This includes campus ministry, visiting scholars, VCOM, vet med, and CRC employees with Virginia Tech IDs. Also, any Recreational Sports Long Term Guests (except dependents) are also eligible to purchase a membership. Alumni are not eligible to purchase the intramural membership unless they fall into one of the groups mentioned above.
Note: Memberships are active for the entire remaining academic year, including the following summer.
What types of leagues are available to play in?
Women's, Men's, CoRec, and Open.
Women's and Men's Leagues are gender-specific leagues. CoRec Leagues are mixed-gender leagues. Open Leagues are open to all participants.
What levels of competition are available?
Most intramural sports activities offer two levels for participation: Competitive and Recreational.
The Competitive Division is for teams seeking to compete at a high level and wish to participate in a playoff tournament for our coveted intramural championship t-shirt. Competitive teams participate in a round robin-style regular season as well as a post-season playoff bracket, as long as they meet team eligibility requirements.
The Recreational Division offers teams the chance to play in an environment founded on social networking, teamwork, and simple enjoyment of exercise. This division is for participants without extensive experience in a sport or those that enjoy the opportunity to just be part of the game. Teams in this division do not participate in a playoff tournament. Instead, each team will receive its full schedule at the beginning of the season (typically, a four- or six-game season).
Are There Team Roster Restrictions?
Competitive League: A player may only be on the roster of one Men’s/Women’s team and one Open/CoRec team within the competitive league for each sport. When the playoffs start, all rosters are immediately locked and players may no longer switch to another team roster. In the playoffs, a team may still add players to the roster, as long as that player is not on another competitive team roster for that team sport league when the playoffs start.
Recreational League: A player may participate on unlimited teams within the recreational league for each sport. Note: Players are not permitted to join more than one team until after registration closes to ensure that others have the opportunity to create a team.
What is the policy for intramural participants that do not identify as a man or woman?
It is our objective to ensure that all of our athletes have a comfortable and enjoyable environment in which they can participate. Participants that do not identify as male or female are allowed to join one (1) gender-specific team and one (1) CoRec/Open team for every team sport.
How do I get involved?
In order to participate in Intramurals, you will need to purchase an Intramural Membership. After purchasing your membership, you can sign up on IMLeagues. A minimum of three players must be on the roster for a team to be approved and scheduled for regular season and/or postseason games. Teams are not guaranteed a spot in the league until they have fulfilled the three-player roster minimum AND re-selected the available division the team wishes to join.
Contact Intramural Sports
255 War Memorial Hall