Hokie Feature: Fencing Club

“The real [reason I started fencing] is that it’s the closest thing to Star Wars and nine-year-old me really liked Star Wars. It is the closest thing, and when you start getting to higher levels, you have to understand that you can’t just swing my weapon around like this anymore,” said fencing club president Jimmy Wallace.
Wallace, who has been the president for the past two years, has taken his passion for the sport and put it to great use. He is even “ working on getting a higher coaches certification,” to be able to spread his love of fencing.
The inclusivity of the club spans further than the university. President Wallace said, “We’re not just the competitive team, we also open up to any student or faculty that’s interested. And that is most of the club, people that just want to fence.”

Senior Sasha Provirova recognizes the impact the club has had on her time at Virginia Tech. “[Fencing] became my first group of friends at Tech. I know that’s kind of cheesy, but fencing is really fun and it really is the people that make it. We’re all kind of nerds, but it’s definitely a good time,” she said.
Junior Misha Ruban appreciates how a one on one sport can feel like a team sport with the right people. He also recognizes how focused he gets while competing. “When you’re fencing and you get in the zone, it’s one of the best feelings ever.”
To learn more about the Fencing Sport Club at Virginia Tech, view our Sport Club directory page on our website.