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Hokie Fit Online Program

Gym intimidation? We totally get it. The good news is that you can stay within your comfort zone and still get fit. Enter: Hokie Fit! Your one-stop online fitness program!

This program includes workouts for each day with different levels starting with our kickstarter for 2 weeks. Each program contains different workouts and you won't find any 2 that are the same.

Designed for all levels of fitness, Hokie Fit workouts can be done from the gym or your home, all with just a few pieces of equipment. You will receive a variety of routines to experiment with — from strength and endurance training, to intervals and even bonus core workouts — Hokie Fit will allow you to work out on your own terms, at your own time!  You will be given access to a folder containing instructional videos for each workout and a guided program.

Our 2-Week Kickstart Program is free for you to enjoy!