Register for a Sport

Register for a Sport
Team Sports:
- After finding enough teammates to create your own intramural team and purchasing your intramural sports membership, the next step is to register your team during the registration dates.
- Login on the Recreational Sports Portal. Select the "Intramurals" jersey icon then select the "Register" icon.
- Select your sport, league, and division (pay special attention to whether the division is Competitive/Recreational and the day/time games are played).
- Select the desired league and then select "Create Team".
- After completing the registration process, you will need to add players to your roster before your first game (see “Inviting Players” below for more information).
Singles/Doubles Activities:
- Go to the Sport and Activity Schedule.
- Select the signup link for the activity you wish to play.
- Complete and submit the online registration form and we will contact you once leagues are created.
Invite Players to Your Team:
- Open IMLeagues.
- Select your team and then select "Roster".
- Select “Invite Members” and then search the name player's name by email address.
- Select "Send Invitations".
- From here, select “Invite Player” to invite players by typing in their email address.
- If you need additional players, you can also select, “Team Options” and then "Available Free Agents".
- The players on this list are searching for a team to play on, and you can send them an invitation to join your team.
Join a Friend's Team:
- After agreeing to join an intramural sports team and purchasing your intramural sports membership, the next step is being added to your team’s roster.
- Login on IMLeagues.
- Type the name of the team or the name of the team captain in the search bar at the top of the page.
- Select the team and request to join the roster.
- Your captain will receive an email notification and will be able to accept your request which will add you to the team roster.
Sign up to be a Free Agent
- “Free Agents” – Individuals that cannot find a team on which to play may sign up to be a free agent for any team sport.
- Login on IMLeagues.
- Select your sport, league, and division (pay special attention to whether the division is Competitive/Recreational and the day/time games are played).
- Select the desired league and then select "Join As Free Agent".
- Captains of teams in this division will be able to view you as an available free agent and can then choose to add you to their team. If a captain adds you to their team, you will automatically receive an email invitation with the option to accept or decline.